Virtual Collins Radio Museum

Advertisement Archive

Forty Years of Collins Radio History in Advertizing

    What follows is the progression of the Collins Radio Company's Amateur Products Program as chronicled by its advertizing in QST Magazine. Every ad between January 1945 and December 1983 (when Rockwell-Collins ceased serving the amateur community) is presented here for your review. Only the annual dealer lists have been omitted. Repeats are marked with an asterisk (*). Now, travel back in time through the magic of the internet and let the Collins Radio Company convince you all over again to "Buy Collins".   Enjoy!

Know what year you want? Click here...
1945   1946   1947   1948   1949   1950   1951   1952   1953   1954   1955   1956   1957   1958   1959   1960   1961   1962   1963   1964   1965   1966   1967   1968   1969   1970   1971   1972   1973   1974   1975   1976   1977   1978   1979   1980   1981   1982   1983

Thumbnail Index


January - Braniff Airways is entirely Collins equipped. 17F
February - Announcing two highly developed Collins Autotune transmitters.
March - Smart engineering design halves the cost per channel. 1000C
April - People who make Collins radio.
May - These U.S. Navy planes carry Collins Autotune Transmitters. ATC
June - U.S. Navy small craft Collins equipped. TCS
July - In the B-29 Superfortress from the first.
August - Arming radio for war.
September - A deservedly popular 50 watter. 32RA
October - Collins transmitters for airport applications. 231D-13
November - The new Collins 21A 5kw Broadcast transmitter.
December - Collins Autotune receiver for civilian aircraft. 51K-1


January - For Progress in Radio.
February - Superior Engineering basis of Collins quality leadership.
March - A rugged performer with a big voice and keen ear. AN/ARC-2
April - Collins FM.
May - Lightweight VHF for aircraft. 17K-1
June - It's Collins! It's new! It's ready! 30K
July - And now a VFO that is really engineered! 70E-8
August - Aircraft communication at its best. 18S-1
September - Let's talk figures. 70E-8
October - The Collins 75A... A new standard for amateur receivers.
November - You can take it with you! 32V-1
December - Transmitter 3 ways a winner! 310A & 30K


January - The Collins 70E-8 wins an Enthusiastic Booster!
February - The world is at your fingertips with Collins... Dealer List
March - The Collins Band-Lighted dial gives you added pleasure. 75A
April - Collins puts versatility and precision into your rig. 310B
May - W0HBG selects Collins again. 30K-1
June - This can be your complete ham shack. 75A & 32V
July - 76 Miles around a pulley to test a dial cord.
August - Two grand exciters. 310B-1 & 310C-2
September - Thank you W2IUV. 30K
October - New ... a slide-rule dial for the 70E-8.
November - Collins reinstates direct selling. Price list
December - The Collins 32V-1 bandswitching transmitter.


January - You know where you are with a Collins 310C exciter.
February - Important News for veteran and tyro hams alike. 310B-1/-3
March * This can be your complete ham shack. 75A-1 & 32V-1
April - 70E-8A Tops for transmitter frequency control.
May - The versatile 32V-1 fits into your plans.
June - A $215 40-watt input transmitter that will drive a kw. 310B-3
July - Pick 'em out of the QRM with your Collins 75A-1.
August - The Collins 310A-3, the 30K-1's new exciter.
September - More contacts, more quickly with a Collins PTO Exciter Unit.
October - Accuracy with a vengeance!! W1BFT. 75A-1
November - How it feels to own a 32V-1.
December - The proof of the pudding is on the wall... 75A-1


January - Sitting Pretty. 75A-1, 310-A & 30K-1
February - Collins 70E-8A Permeability Tuned Oscillator.
March * More contacts, more quickly with a Collins PTO Exciter Unit.
April - "... very delighted," says ZL1MP. 75A & 32V
May - Thanks, W6OKQ, for proving the point. 30K-1
June - How does the 75A-1 do on SSSC?
July - 100% QSO's, New York...Saudi Arabia. 75A-1 & 32V-1
August - Announcing the new 32V-2 and 35C-1 low-pass filter.
September - Meet your Collins dealer. Dealer list
October - Top phone men in the 1948 ARRL Sweepstakes used 75A-1 receivers.
November - The new receiver is here! 51J-1
December - TVI... a challenge to the future of ham radio!


January - More dope on 32V accessories. 148B-1, 35C-1 & 315E
February - What you work when you work W0FYF. 75A-1 & 32V-2
March - It all adds up to Satisfaction. 32V-2
April - W7KHU appraises the 75A-1.
May - Peace...it's wonderful! TVI reduction at W2GSC
June - SSSC Receiver of the Year. 75A-1
July - Presenting the new Collins 75A-2.
August - We depend exclusively on these leaders to distribute Collins.
September - The 32V-2 is manufactured the same as military radio equipment.
October - Announcing the Collins KW-1 amateur transmitter.
November - For your convenience... Dealer list
December - Despite rumors COLLINS is not going out of the amateur business.


January - Serial No. 1 of the 75A-2 goes to W0HBG.
February - The best final test of all. 75A-2
March - "Like having a second right hand": W2IOP. 75A-2
April - Progress report on the KW-1.
May - W0DZS: "What more can a ham ask?" 32V & 75A
June - Open letter to Arthur Collins from W4RNQ. 32V & 75A
July - Unrivaled on both c-w and phone. 75A-2
August - Your Directory of Collins Distributors.
September - Announcing the 32V-3.
October - Your KW-1 is on its way.
November - Features of the KW-1's power amplifier.
December - Road Blocks Against TVI. 32V-3


January - These are the Authorized Collins Distributors.
February - Characteristics of the 75A-2's VFO.
March - Everything's under control with the Collins 32V-3.
April - The thoroughly engineered KW-1.
May - Exceptional features of the 75A-2.
June - Reduce harmonic radiation with a Collins 35C-2 filter!
July - Authorized Collins Distributors.
August - ...the 70E-8A VFO is back.
September - Fan Mail for a star performer, Collins 32V-3.
October * Exceptional features of the 75A-2.
November - TVI hits a new LOW with the Collins KW-1.
December - Selectivity never before achieved in a receiver. 75A-3


January * Selectivity never before achieved in a receiver. 75A-3
February - Collins, leading manufacturer of Amateur Radio Equipment.
March - TVI Problems? The 32V-3 has the answer.
April - A mechanical filter for your 75A-2!
May - Copy those Single Sideband Signals on a Collins 75A-3.
June - Just set your dial and you're there! 75A-3
July - There's a full gallon of Collins quality in the KW-1.
August * Collins, leading manufacturer of Amateur Radio Equipment.
September - A self-contained table-top transmitter - Collins 32V-3.
October * Just set your dial and you're there! 75A-3.
November - Collins 32V-3 - A self-contained table-top transmitter.
December - Just plug it in - A mechanical filter for your 75A-1.


January - Sooner or later you'll want Collins Amateur Equipment. Dealer List.
February * A mechanical filter for your 75A-2!
March - Sooner or later you'll want a Collins Receiver. 75A-3
April - W9NZZ deserves congratulations! 75A-3 & 32V-3
May * Sooner or later you'll want a Collins Receiver. 75A-3
June * W9NZZ deserves congratulations! 75A-3 & 32V-3
July - Authorized Collins Distributors Nationwide. Distributor List
August * Sooner or later you'll want a Collins Receiver. 75A-3
September - Collins 75A-3 Receiver and 32V-3 Transmitter.
October - Engineering notes from Collins: SSB
November - Engineering notes: SSB transmitter power and distortion.
December - Engineering notes: Generating SSB Signals.


January - Now Plug-In selectivity for your Hammarlund & National receiver.
February - Engineering notes: SSB Receiver Selectivity.
March - Collins proudly announces a new standard in AM-CW-SSB. 75A-4 & KWS-1
April - Collins for new ease in operation. 75A-4 & KWS-1
May - Now... Optional equipment combinations for Collins KWS-1.
June - Distortion free SSB at its finest, Collins KWS-1.
July - SSB ease of operation exclusive with Collins 75A-4.
August - KWS-1/75A-4 Distributor List.
September - Exclusive in the field... Collins KWS-1 transmitter.
October - Exclusive in the field... Collins 75A-4 receiver.
November - Another reason for top performance, Collins mechanical filters.
December - Another reason for top performance, Collins precision VFO.


January - Another reason for top performance, Collins KWS-1 SSB linear.
February - Another Antarctic Expedition calls on Collins for communications.
March - A new experience awaits you in SSB. 75A-4 & KWS-1
April - Collins new Time Payment Plan makes the finest available now.
May - Why this rig is a sound Financial Investment. 75A-4 & KWS-1
June - Step into this picture, it's easier than you think. 75A-4 & KWS-1
July - Announcing Collins Gear Reduction Tuning for new fine tuning.
August - Forerunner of Tomorrow... here today! 75A-4 & KWS-1
September - You have the key to Collins SSB. 75A-4 & KWS-1
October * Why this rig is a sound Financial Investment. 75A-4 & KWS-1
November - Something new in the picture, Collins SC-101 Station Control System.
December - Best Wishes for the Best Christmas Ever. 75A-4 & KWS-1


January - All these years you could have owned a Collins. Cost per day chart.
February * All these years you could have owned a Collins. Cost per day chart.
March - Subject: passband control and Collins 75A-4.
April - Subject: automatic load control and Collins KWS-1.
May - New from Collins. First SSB mobile transceiver. KWM-1
June - Another Collins First ... KWM-1.
July - Fixed station performance in a MOBILE. KWM-1
August - Performance, the basis for a great reputation. 75A-1, KWS-1 & KWM-1
September - Unsurpassed stability - 75A-4.
October * Fixed station performance in a MOBILE. KWM-1
November - Big AND CLEAN SSB Signal. KWS-1 & KWM-1
December - First on every Amateur's Christmas list. KWM-1


January - Collins, the amateur rig that STAYS YOUNG. 75A-4 & KWS-1
February - Collins new 32S-1 SSB transmitter.
March - Collins NEW complete SSB station. 32S-1 & 75S-1
April - To XYL's only. KWM-1
May - Collins KWM-1 mobile/fixed SSB transceiver for maximum versatility.
June - Why Collins SSB signals STAY CLEAN.
July - A Ham's at home in car or castle with a KWM-1.
August - Collins KWM-1, Favorite of DXpeditions.
September * Collins KWM-1 mobile/fixed SSB transceiver for maximum versatility.
October - Double Conversion Double Talk.
November - Introducing Collins S/Line of SSB Amateur Equipment.
    4 Page Color Insert -  
Page 1   Page 2/3  Page 4
December - Collins S/Line, no finer way to please for Christmas.


January - S/Line System Engineered.
February - Collins 75S-1 Receiver circuits.
March - Collins 32S-1 Transmitter circuits.
April - Eliminate Impulse Noise with a new Collins Noise Blanker.
May - When you want the very best amateur SSB equipment. Dealer List
June - Collins 30S-1 linear amplifier gives you maximum power.
July * Collins 75S-1 Receiver circuits.
August - Good reasons for advanced SSB performance in Collins S/Line.
September - Good reasons for advanced SSB performance in Collins S/Line.
October - From Collins October 15, the KWM-2 mobile SSB transceiver.
November - Collins KWM-2 Mobile Transceiver.
December - No other Christmas gift will give greater pleasure.


January - For the finest amateur SSB equipment, see your nearest dealer.
February - Good reasons for advanced SSB performance in Collins S/Line.
March - More pleasure this Spring with a Collins KWM-2.
April - Collins KWM-2, a complete mobile and fixed station transceiver.
May - Point-Packed Field Day Performance with a Collins KWM-2.
June - Collins S/Line, where beauty is more than skin deep.
July - Collins 30S-1 for the loudest clearest signal on the air.
August - For hams-on-the-go, Collins SSB station in a suitcase. KWM-2
September - Two hamshacks / One transceiver. KWM-2
October - Collins KWM-2, two hamshacks - one transceiver.
November - The pride of any room, Collins S/Line.
December - "Night falls and you are alone in your ham shack." A Christmas Story


January - Collins distributors are proud men... Distributor List
February - Now only Collins gives you a six-month warranty.
March * Two hamshacks / One transceiver. KWM-2
April - Collins new 30L-1 500 watt linear.
May * Collins S/Line, where beauty is more than skin deep.
June - Why does Collins S/Line provide much better SSB performance?
July - Highlight your station with the 30L-1 desktop kilowatt amplifier.
August - Introducing the Collins 75S-3 for CW, SSB and RTTY.
September - Three six-year-olds (But only One retains 83% of its Value).
    First appearance of round emblem.
October - Inside and out, Concern for Perfection. KWM-2
November - The World is More Compact with Collins S/Line.
December - No finer way to please (for Christmas). KWM-2


January - Collins Authorized Distributors.
February - Q-how do XYL's feel about ham gear? A-enthusiastic when by Collins!
March - Developing fast... VHF adapter for 6 and 2 meters!
April - Disasters are never predictable! But Collins equipment is! KWM-2
May - Take it with you. KWM-2
June - In your ham shack, or in action with the Marines. AN/MRC-87
July - How can you improve on the 32S-1?
August - Out of the lab... Collins new 62S-1 VHF Converter.
September - Switch Hitter, with Collins new 32S-3
October - No longer just a picture, Collins new 62S-1 VHF Converter is ready.
November - Whatever you need ...it's all in the S/Line family!
December - Again this year, ham radio brings the South Pole north at Christmas.


January - Depend on it. Collins Distributor List
February - NBC News reports history with Collins amateur gear. KWM-2
March - Your Blue-Chip Investment in Amateur Radio. Full product line
April - Loudmouth! KWM-2
May - You can transmit and receive on 6 and 2 with one unit, the 62S-1.
June - Improve your rig with these Collins accessories.
July * Loudmouth! KWM-2
August - Oldtimer! KWM-2
September - Slowpoke! KWM-2
October - talk about TALK POWER. 30L-1
November * Improve your rig with these Collins accessories.
December - Seasons Greeting from Collins.


January * Depend on it. Collins Distributor List
February - Quick-Change Artist. 62S-1
March - What's new? 75S-3B with optional filters.
April - One for the road. KWM-2
May - Welcome home, Gus! W4BPD DXpedition. KWM-2
June - Numbers Game! S/Line retrospective
July * What's new? 75S-3B with optional filters.
August * Numbers Game! S/Line retrospective
September - Winner's Circle. S/Line
October - Cost! Why is it the most expensive is often the most economical?
November * Improve your rig with these Collins accessories.
December - Night falls and you are alone in your ham shack... Holiday Goodwill


January - When you're as proud of your products as we are. Dealer list
February - Open, Sesame! 62S-1
March * Cost! Why is it the most expensive is often the most economical?
April - Simple Arithmetic. No other equipment holds its value like Collins.
May - Got Everything? KWM-2
June * Cost! Why is it the most expensive is often the most economical?
July * Got Everything? KWM-2
August * Cost! Why is it the most expensive is often the most economical?
September * Simple Arithmetic. No other equipment holds its value like Collins.
October * Winner's Circle. S/Line
November - Special Additives. Collins accessories
December - Happy Holidays old man.


January - Confidence men. Dealer List
February - Sentanta y tres, Amigo! 75S-3B
March - Soixante-Trieze, Mon Cher Ami! 32S-3
April - Dreiundsiebzig, leiber freund! 30L-1
May - Gone fishing! KWM-2
June - Sjuttio-tre, Gamle Polare! KWM-2
July - Gone fishing! KMW-2
August * Dreiundsiebzig, leiber freund! 30L-1
September * Soixante-Trieze, Mon Cher Ami! 32S-3
October * Sentanta y tres, Amigo! 75S-3B
November - Full measure of pleasure. Collins accessories
December - God Jul, Feliz Navidad, Froehlich Weihnachten, Merry Christmas!


January - Mark of an Expert. Distributor List
February - The Best Endure. A classic is a work of enduring excellence.
March - The Right Shoe. 30L-1
April - Very Selective. 75S-3B
May - Traveling Companion. KWM-2
June - Collector's Item. KWM-2
July * Traveling Companion. KWM-2
August * Collector's Item. KWM-2
September * Very Selective. 75S-3B
October * The Best Endure. A classic is a work of enduring excellence.
November * Full measure of pleasure. Collins accessories
December - "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" (In Morse)


January - Get TOUGH with your amateur dealer! Dealer List
February * Very Selective. 75S-3B
March * The Best Endure. A classic is a work of enduring excellence.
April - There's a reason for the S/Line's reputation.
May - Trading time (automobile)... but not for the KWM-2.
June - Suitcase System. KWM-2 & 30L-1
July - Barefoot to Ninety North. KWM-2 on Polar Expedition.
August * Trading time (automobile)... but not for the KWM-2.
September - HANDS OFF ... 75S-3B, most stable front end in a ham receiver.
October - Ever wonder if you're wandering? 32S-3 PTO stability.
November - Ham Radio at its best. S-Line Components and Collins Systems
December - Every day, MARS brings servicemen home for a few minutes.


January - Here's how to get us. Collins Distributor List
February * Ever wonder if you're wandering? 32S-3 PTO stability.
March * HANDS OFF ... 75S-3B, most stable front end in a ham receiver.
April * Ham Radio at its best. S-Line Components and Collins Systems
May * There's a reason for the S/Line's reputation.
June * Trading time (automobile)... but not for the KWM-2.
July * Suitcase System. KWM-2 & 30L-1
August * Trading time (automobile)... but not for the KWM-2.
September * Ham Radio at its best. S-Line Components and Collins Systems
October * Ever wonder if you're wandering? 32S-3 PTO stability.
November * Ham Radio at its best. S-Line Components and Collins Systems
December - This may be the Christmas the OM will always remember! KWM-2


January - Now a full-year warranty at your Collins Distributor. Dealer List
February - Still the clearest sound around. 75S-3B
March - Now a full year warranty on Collins equipment. KWM-2
April * Ever wonder if you're wandering? 32S-3 PTO stability.
May * Suitcase System. KWM-2 & 30L-1
June * Still the clearest sound around. 75S-3B
July * Ever wonder if you're wandering? 32S-3 PTO stability.
August * Trading time (automobile)... but not for the KWM-2.
September * Now a full year warranty on Collins equipment. KWM-2
October * Still the clearest sound around. 75S-3B
November - Factory-level service in 27 locations. Repair Center List
December - (No words ... just a gift-wrapped KWM-2 under the Christmas tree.)


January - Talk with an expert. Dealer List
February - Still the best: Collins S/Line.
March * Now a full year warranty on Collins equipment. KWM-2
April - Stout Heart. Neither rain, or snow, nor polar ice... KWM-2
May * Still the clearest sound around. 75S-3B
June * Still the best: Collins S/Line.
July * Factory-level service in 27 locations. Repair Center List
August - Sound investments. 30L-1 & 30S-1
September - You can tell it's from a good line. 75S-3
October * Stout Heart. Neither rain, or snow, nor polar ice... KWM-2
November * Still the best: Collins S/Line.
December * (No words ... just a gift-wrapped KWM-2 under the Christmas tree.)


January * Talk with an expert. Dealer List
August * Still the best: Collins S/Line.
November * You can tell it's from a good line. 75S-3


January * Stout Heart. Neither rain, or snow, nor polar ice... KWM-2
March - Smooth operation- high reliability- quality construction. Dealer List
May - Collins will be first to let you know if anything can beat S/Line.
July - The most experienced company in HF communications. Collins.
September * Collins will be first to let you know if anything can beat S/Line.
November - Collins started in business to build a better transmitter. KWM-2


January * Collins started in business to build a better transmitter. KWM-2
March - We try it before you buy it. Collins S/Line.
May * Collins started in business to build a better transmitter. KWM-2
July * We try it before you buy it. Collins S/Line.
September - Collins Radio has joined forces with another company: Rockwell.
    First use of Rockwell emblem.
October - Collins equipment. You're ready for it now. S/Line & KWM-2
November * Collins equipment. You're ready for it now. S/Line & KWM-2
December * Collins equipment. You're ready for it now. S/Line & KWM-2


January * We try it before you buy it. Collins S/Line.
February - Two kinds of experts appreciate Collins: People who... Dealer List
March * Collins started in business to build a better transmitter. KWM-2
April * Collins equipment. You're ready for it now. S/Line & KWM-2
May * We try it before you buy it. Collins S/Line.
June - Stand by for the latest word on Collins' 51S-1 receiver.
July * Stand by for the latest word on Collins' 51S-1 receiver.
August * Collins started in business to build a better transmitter. KWM-2
September * Collins started in business to build a better transmitter. KWM-2
October * Stand by for the latest word on Collins' 51S-1 receiver.
November * Collins started in business to build a better transmitter. KWM-2
December * Collins started in business to build a better transmitter. KWM-2

    Note: December 1975 to January 1976 marks QST's transition to large format.


January - Congratulations, somebody. You just bought the 27,000th KWM-2A.
February * Two kinds of experts appreciate Collins: People who... Dealer List
March * Congratulations, somebody. You just bought the 27,000th KWM-2A.
April - Which Collins should you choose now that you've chosen Collins?
May * Congratulations, somebody. You just bought the 27,000th KWM-2A.
June * Which Collins should you choose now that you've chosen Collins?
July * Congratulations, somebody. You just bought the 27,000th KWM-2A.
August * Which Collins should you choose now that you've chosen Collins?
September * Congratulations, somebody. You just bought the 27,000th KWM-2A.
October * Which Collins should you choose now that you've chosen Collins?


February * Which Collins should you choose now that you've chosen Collins?
    Rockwell/Collins ads no longer appear on QST page two.
April - The way some people get attached to their Collins equipment...
May * The way some people get attached to their Collins equipment...
July * The way some people get attached to their Collins equipment...
October * The way some people get attached to their Collins equipment...


March * Two kinds of experts appreciate Collins: People who... Dealer List
June * Which model should you choose now that you've chosen Rockwell-Collins?


January * Two kinds of experts appreciate Rockwell-Collins equipment: Dealer List
October - What's new from Rockwell-Collins? Plenty. But we're not talking yet.
November - Any successor to the Collins KWM-2 better be good. It is! KWM-380
    2 Page Color Ad -  
Left half   Right half
December * Any successor to the Collins KWM-2 better be good. It is! KWM-380


March - When you really need to "talk", talk to us about Collins HF. Product Line
    2 Page Ad -  
Page 1   Page 2
May * Any successor to the Collins KWM-2 better be good. It is! KWM-380


April - Collins KWM-380. For those who missed out last year, another chance.
May * Collins KWM-380. For those who missed out last year, another chance.
June * Collins KWM-380. For those who missed out last year, another chance.
July * Collins KWM-380. For those who missed out last year, another chance.
August * Collins KWM-380. For those who missed out last year, another chance.
September * Collins KWM-380. For those who missed out last year, another chance.
December - In the proud tradition of the S/Line and KWM-2: Collins KWM-380.


January * In the proud tradition of the S/Line and KWM-2: Collins KWM-380.
February * In the proud tradition of the S/Line and KWM-2: Collins KWM-380.
March * In the proud tradition of the S/Line and KWM-2: Collins KWM-380.
May * In the proud tradition of the S/Line and KWM-2: Collins KWM-380.
June * In the proud tradition of the S/Line and KWM-2: Collins KWM-380.
July * In the proud tradition of the S/Line and KWM-2: Collins KWM-380.
August * In the proud tradition of the S/Line and KWM-2: Collins KWM-380.
September - The real beauty of the Collins KWM-380 is behind the panel, not on it.
October * The real beauty of the Collins KWM-380 is behind the panel, not on it.
November * The real beauty of the Collins KWM-380 is behind the panel, not on it.
December * The real beauty of the Collins KWM-380 is behind the panel, not on it.


March * The real beauty of the Collins KWM-380 is behind the panel, not on it.
June * The real beauty of the Collins KWM-380 is behind the panel, not on it.
September * The real beauty of the Collins KWM-380 is behind the panel, not on it.
December * The real beauty of the Collins KWM-380 is behind the panel, not on it.

* Indicates duplicate publication.


1945 January - 1947 July
1947 August - 1950 May
1950 June - 1953 July
1953 September - 1956 November
1956 December - 1959 August
1959 September - 1962 August
1962 September - 1966 May
1966 June - 1974 September
1974 October - 1982 September

1945   1946   1947   1948   1949   1950   1951   1952   1953   1954   1955   1956   1957   1958   1959   1960   1961   1962   1963   1964   1965   1966   1967   1968   1969   1970   1971   1972   1973   1974   1975   1976   1977   1978   1979   1980   1981   1982   1983

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Copyright © 1999 WA3KEY & Collins Radio Company 1945-1983
Collins/Rockwell Amateur Products Ads reprinted by written permission
W.L. Groff - Amateur Products Program Manager
Thanks to the late K3IX and his widow for saving his QSTs
This Home Page was created by wa3key, Tuesday, March 23, 1999
Most recent revision Tuesday, May 4, 1999