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There are now 27 messages in our guestbook.
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Tuesday, October 31, 2017 04:03 - Burkina Faso
Jim Wood
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In 1971 I was taken on a destroyer from Rota Spain out to the Intrepid and hi-lined aboard. Anyone know where there may be photos of any of these activities? Sure would be nice to track down a picture. Thanks Any OI guys still around?
Monday, September 18, 2017 22:50
John Simonetti
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This 'Guest Book' has been provided for the use of Former USS Intrepid (CV, CVA, CVS-1) Crewmembers who still hold their love and respect for their 'once-away-from-home' during their service to our country. Pass-the-word and maybe an old shipmate will reply to your 'Guest Book' post. To all shipmates that are still with us 'above ground', I hope you are doing well and keep taking care of yourselves. 'Let Us Not Forget Those Who Have Gone Before Us.'
Monday, July 17, 2017 11:00 - Mabank, TX
Joe Daly
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Thanks for the comeback John. I wondered if some of us guys who served aboard during the last four or five cruises were eligible for anything other than a hearty 'thank you for your service'.
Thursday, April 20, 2017 08:11 - NH seacoast
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