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There are now 29 messages in our guestbook.
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Bill Townsend
| E-mail guest |
Ourshipmate Edward Ulrich passed away October 8, 2020 Obituary
Saturday, October 17, 2020 08:20 - Hamburg PA 19526
Joe Daly
| E-mail guest |
Some of us are still around and check this site periodically. I've been trying to locate an email or address for Rick Munday from CSDIV in '72...anyone?
Saturday, September 26, 2020 16:17
John Simonetti
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Addendum: To: J.F. Mahoeny (message below) per Intrepid's Medical Dept Head, Capt (ret) Laurence Blackburn logged in his diary: 22 June 1967, at 0800-2200, Flight operations and Combat sorties were launched
Tuesday, April 21, 2020 12:42 - Mabank, Texas
John Simonetti
| E-mail guest | Visit guest's Web site |
To: J.F. Mahoeny (message below) per Intrepid's Medical Dept Head, Capt (ret) Laurence Blackburn, at 0800-2200, Flight operations and Combat sorties were launched
Tuesday, April 21, 2020 12:35 - Mabank, Texas
John Simonetti
| E-mail guest | Visit guest's Web site |
I am sad to report that Intrepid's Vietnam ('65-'67) Medical Department Head, Captain (ret) Larry Blackburn as passed away.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020 12:15 - Mabank, Texas
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