The Bucks-Lehigh UHF Repeater Association (BLURA) was
founded in 1974 to serve the radio amateur community in southeastern
Pennsylvania's northern Bucks and southern Lehigh counties. The
WA3KEY UHF repeater operates on a standard
coordinated frequency pair of 443.200
MHz TX and 448.200 MHz RX with a 114.8 Hz (Code 2B PL) tone activated
squelch from a location just south of Quakertown in Bucks County. Auto-Patch
is available to members. Trustees: Norm - WA3KEY and Steve - WA3RXP.
20 Watt Motorola Radius R-100 repeater &
i50 phone-patch for portable / back-up service
Motorola J74-BBY repeater
American Microsignal RCP-780 controller
Donated by Lehigh Valley Mobile 1981-1989
Converted Motorola T44 strips
Homebrew controller 1974-1976
Copyright © 1999-BLURA
This Home Page was created by wa3key, Sunday, July 18, 1999
Most recent revision Sunday, February 26, 2017
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